List of inhabited planets

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Inhabited planets are planets within the Idiodide Galaxy that have a permanent population of intelligent beings.

Planets with 10 billion or fewer inhabitants

Name Galactic nation Population
Bakëvä Bakëväian Republic 8,386,176,953
Kragstarking Grand Koykinaxal Empire 5,987,930,915
Merlos United Systems of Ivel 1,094,712,871

Planets with 1 billion or fewer inhabitants

Name Galactic nation Population
Nrodma United Systems of Ivel 985,471,091

Planets with 500 million or fewer inhabitants

Name Galactic nation Population

Planets with 100 million or fewer inhabitants

Name Galactic nation Population

Planets with 10 million or fewer inhabitants

Name Galactic nation Population
Luin United Systems of Ivel 4,671,015
Diskotaque United Systems of Ivel 1,146,297

Planets with 1 million or fewer inhabitants

Name Galactic nation Population
Galapogos Hargig Republic 823,419

Planets with 5,000 or fewer inhabitants

Name Galactic nation Population
Largraag Grand Koykinaxal Empire 4,750