HSS-50 heavy freighter

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HSS-50 Heavy Freighter


Manufacturer: Hargig Starship Systems

Model: HSS-50
Class: Heavy freighter
Cost: 12,500,000 §
Length: 765.36 m
Width: 140 m
Height: 103 m
Maximum acceleration: 10 km/s2
1,019.716212978 g
Maximum atmospheric speed: 3,600 km/h
Hyperdrive: HSS Standard Kerbline Crystal Hyperdrive MK 4
Hull materials: Steel
Targeting systems: Manual
Navigation systems: HSS Standard Navigation Systems MK 1
Flight control systems: Galapogos Avionics Ind. 3D Avionics Systems Series 2
  • Light twin laser turrets (2)
  • Medium laser cannons (3)
Complement: None
Docking bays/hangars: None
Escape pods: HSS standard issue escape pod MK 1 (4)
Crew: 18
Minimum crew: 9
Passengers: None
Consumables: 516 Standard Galactic Days
602 Earth days
Life support systems: HSS Standard Life Support Systems MK 2
Communication systems: HSS Military Grade Communication Systems MK 1
Availability: Military only
Role: Heavy freighter
Introduced: 26 BGA
Retired: 12 AGA
Era(s): Pan Galactic War

The HSS-50 heavy freighter was a model of cargo ship used by multiple star fleets to transport military cargo.