Battle of Lake Hagda

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Battle of Lake Hagda


Pan Galactic War


Day 231, 7 BGA - Day 49, 6 BGA


Hargig Republic Flag.pngHargig Republic
United Systems of Ivel Flag.png United Systems of Ivel

Grand Koykinaxal Empire Flag.png Grand Koykinaxal Empire
Salak Kingdom


The Battle of Lake Hagda was a battle fought by Conservative and Expansionist forces on the coast of Lake Hagda on Diskotaque between day 231 in 7 BGA and day 49 in 6 BGA during the Pan Galactic War.

Both sides of the became entrenched during the battle as the prodominantly Iveli and Hargig Conservative forces lacked cover and thus sheltered from heavy Expansionist fire in a small stream. The stream was dammed and converted into a small trench system. The entrenchment of the Conservative forces led to a stalemate. Many attempts to resolve the stalemate including bombing runs by air assistance and full scale attacks all failed until the stalemate was resolved with the Marjka Offensive on day 48 of 6 BGA.